Tag Archives: success

Values and Discipline, not Privileges, Are Your Paths to Wealth

As much as everyone likes a good get-rich quick story, the rich typically didn’t make their wealth overnight. This thesis is supported by the ‘2016 Insights on Wealth and Worth‘ survey conducted by U.S. Trust. The study explored the common success traits of wealthy Americans across all generations, surveying close to 700 individuals with at least 3 million USD in investable …

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What Drives Highly Successful People?

Have you ever wondered, what’s the difference between regular guys like you & me and self-made, ultra-successful people? Last night, I stumbled upon an article at inc.com I’d like to share here, because it might give you an answer to this question: Ultra-successful people view life differently from us, and its reflected in how they live, work, save, invest, and give. They …

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Coolness, Customers & Cash


A cool company attracts many customers and generates a lot of cash – as the tale of Nokia is demonstrating, this order is also valid the other way round. Nokia was founded in Tampere, southwest Finland, in 1865 – wait a moment, 1865 and mobile phones? Well, Nokia was in it’s first 100 years a paper- and then a rubber …

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